About Me

My photo
Near the Beach in Florida, Florida, United States
I am a Middle School Math Teacher. I have been teaching for 24 years. (oh my!) Teaching 6th Graders keeps me very young at heart. I live near the beach in Florida, and enjoy my family and pets. I am a very tech savvy person and like electronic gadgets.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Taking a Day...

I am taking tomorrow off from work (teaching) to go to Dr. appointments and such. This is the first day all year that I am missing... Oh no, I don't want it to be to much fun! I am probably going to visit my friend at her school, just to see what she's up to after my appointment.

Not much happened today. Went to my WW meeting and lost 1.2 pounds last week! Horaaay! I am on my way!

Can't wait for LOST to start! House is new tonight, thank goodness! Gotta go now...

Peace and Love!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work with your weight goals! HOpe you had a happy day off!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abby, looks like you got your own music widget over at just like I did! I just followed the directions and somehow it all came together on my blog page!

I'm new at all this, too!

Fun, isn't it!!!